среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

SA: Govt hoping to bring water plant on line earlier

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Govt hoping to bring water plant on line earlier

The South Australian government will try to have a desalination plant operating in
Adelaide earlier than originally planned.

Water Security Minister KARLENE MAYWALD says the government's on track to deliver the
first fresh water from the plant in December 2011 .. but will try to have it operating
earlier if possible.

Ms MAYWALD has turned on a pilot desalination plant today to test the technology to
be used in the full-scale facility.

For the next six to 12 months the pilot plant will monitor seawater quality .. assess
the pre-treatment process and conduct testing of the reverse osmosis membranes.

Once complete the full-scale plant will cost just over a billion dollars .. and should
provide up to 25 per cent of Adelaide's water needs.

AAP RTV tjd/crh/tm


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